Sunday, July 8, 2018

Why does a Wi-Fi router slow down over time?

Many things can cause your WiFi router to slow down overtime, the challenge is to find the true reason that is causing this slow down.
Below are the main three reasons that can cause you WiFi router connection to slow down:

1. Router Placement
Most people underestimate the importance of picking a good spot for a WiFi router, Make sure you’ve placed your router in the right position, away from any electric devices, away from metal objects and concrete.

2. Interference
Make sure your router is away from radio emitting devices, like microwaves, surveillance cameras, and so on.
Also your neighbor’s WiFi routers might be interfering with yours, try to choose a channel that is not overused by nearby networks, I really recommend you to use any WiFi analyzer app to do so, especially this WiFi Analyzer app, it’s free and helped me figure the best channel to use for my router.

3. Bad Quality Router
Some router manufactures produce low quality units that have short lifetime.
When you buy a router make sure it has long warranty, good thermal design, and finally from a good reputable vendor.